I remember when I was just starting in my sales career, my boss had recommended that I read "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. At the ripe age of 21, I knew it all. I gave him all of the excuses that most people say when they are presented with the idea of reading a book. Whether it was having no time, not wanting to take a break from my sales momentum, or solid ego of not wanting to believe that I did not know everything; I was fighting it all the way.
He then said something that will stick with me forever. He said, "Dave, I have read 11 books so far this year." He then pulled out a notebook which listed the books and ideas that he was able to pull from those books and act on. Then he had another column that displayed money, health, relationship, or other goals. Being that I was 21, money was paramount to me and I quickly added up the numbers listed on the page and came up with nearly $145,000.
"Did these books earn you $145,000?" I eagerly asked.
"No. What I did with the knowledge that I learned from those books did. Knowledge is not power. Knowledge combined with action is power." He sat back his chair and eagerly looked at me smiling.
I don't know what I looked like at that moment, but I guarantee my mental wheels were spinning at lightning speed. I rushed to the book store and purchased a number of books that I thought I would never read. After a couple of days, nothing changed in my world. However, after about 10 days new ideas and ways of thinking crept into my everyday life. I began to realize the importance of constantly learning and applying what I learned.
My business grew geometrically and I began to accomplish more and more with less and less. Let's face it; great ideas do not care where they come from. My challenge to you is to pick up a book or two and dive into your personal development. The greatest way to predict your future is to create it. Let reading be the genesis of your journey for success!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Take Off the Earmuffs When Opportunity Knocks
I am amazed at what I learn from dogs. When our golden retriever, Chloe, hears her leash rattle; she starts going nuts. When she hears the food being poured, she comes running. If there is a car that pulls into the driveway, she eagerly wags her tail and looks out the window to see who may be coming to visit her. Despite the numerous visitors that pull into the drive, the door rarely reveals a visitor for her. Still, she still approaches each sound with the same passion and excitement.
How many times have you been presented with an opportunity or a suggestion and passed it off without even giving it a second glance? Maybe the opportunity of a new job, a business opportunity, or a relationship comes your way; instead of approaching the opportunity through the eyes of "can be" they tend to view through the eyes of "can't be."
Would you have invested in a small company run by a bunch of long haired kids in the early 80's? What if that company went on to become Microsoft? What if you are not living up to a fraction of your potential because of fear? What could your 2010 be like if you approached opportunities with a tail wagging excitement instead of the muting power of earmuffs?
Think of two people who walk onto a car lot. One person walks around, looking at cars, and is using his decision making skills to determine that he can not afford anything. The other person walks around the lot, using the same decision making skills to decide how they can buy the dealership.
Life is a series of firsts. The greatest growth in life comes when you say "Yes" to risks and opportunity. My challenge to you is to approach every opportunity with your tail wagging, waiting to see what lies beyond the door!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
How many times have you been presented with an opportunity or a suggestion and passed it off without even giving it a second glance? Maybe the opportunity of a new job, a business opportunity, or a relationship comes your way; instead of approaching the opportunity through the eyes of "can be" they tend to view through the eyes of "can't be."
Would you have invested in a small company run by a bunch of long haired kids in the early 80's? What if that company went on to become Microsoft? What if you are not living up to a fraction of your potential because of fear? What could your 2010 be like if you approached opportunities with a tail wagging excitement instead of the muting power of earmuffs?
Think of two people who walk onto a car lot. One person walks around, looking at cars, and is using his decision making skills to determine that he can not afford anything. The other person walks around the lot, using the same decision making skills to decide how they can buy the dealership.
Life is a series of firsts. The greatest growth in life comes when you say "Yes" to risks and opportunity. My challenge to you is to approach every opportunity with your tail wagging, waiting to see what lies beyond the door!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Make Every Day Black Friday
Thanksgiving rolls around in the United States on the fourth Thursday in November. The day after Thanksgiving is one of the craziest shopping frenzy days of the year. Whether you do or do not participate in the shopping madness that officially kicks off the Christmas season, you may be able to take a lesson or two from the manic shoppers on Black Friday.
I have done the "Black Friday" experience before. It is somewhat of a hazing experience, yet if executed properly can be very valuable. The process usually starts post-meal on Thanksgiving day. Think of many people struggling to stay awake after a turkey and carbohydrate overload, fighting over the hundreds of pages of advertisements in their local newspaper. They are usually armed with markers, circling their favorite "deals" featured in the newspaper. They plan the attack plan. Where to? When? What time do we need to wake up? How should we dress?
Whether you found great deals or not on Black Friday, think of some crucial lessons that all of us can learn from the experience. Why not apply the same amount of planning and execution towards your business.
1. Figure out what you want. Maybe you circle something maybe you write it down. Vague goals produce vague results.
2. Plot out an attack plan. While you may not need to hurdle people to get the latest and greatest toy to achieve your goals, approach your plan with some passion. Successful people focus more on the "why" instead of the "how".
3. Execute! Remain flexible. You need to take massive action to achieve your goals. The universe rewards momentum, so get off to a quick start and take a bold step!
I am looking forward to creating a fantastic December and a record 2010. Are you?
Always Better Your Best!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
I have done the "Black Friday" experience before. It is somewhat of a hazing experience, yet if executed properly can be very valuable. The process usually starts post-meal on Thanksgiving day. Think of many people struggling to stay awake after a turkey and carbohydrate overload, fighting over the hundreds of pages of advertisements in their local newspaper. They are usually armed with markers, circling their favorite "deals" featured in the newspaper. They plan the attack plan. Where to? When? What time do we need to wake up? How should we dress?
Whether you found great deals or not on Black Friday, think of some crucial lessons that all of us can learn from the experience. Why not apply the same amount of planning and execution towards your business.
1. Figure out what you want. Maybe you circle something maybe you write it down. Vague goals produce vague results.
2. Plot out an attack plan. While you may not need to hurdle people to get the latest and greatest toy to achieve your goals, approach your plan with some passion. Successful people focus more on the "why" instead of the "how".
3. Execute! Remain flexible. You need to take massive action to achieve your goals. The universe rewards momentum, so get off to a quick start and take a bold step!
I am looking forward to creating a fantastic December and a record 2010. Are you?
Always Better Your Best!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Turn a $1 Bill Into a $100 Bill!
Every once in a while I come across a story about some genius who bleaches a piece of currency and tries to turn it into a higher value piece of currency. For example, they would bleach a $5 bill and run it through their printer so that it looked like a $50 or $100 bill. As you can imagine, the Secret Service doesn't really appreciate that kind of activity.
That made me think about currency. Obviously, I would rather have a $100 bill than a $1 bill. They are both made from the same material, but the value is determined by what is printed on and in them. Your value is determined in much the same way. Studies have shown that a high school drop out makes much less than a graduate who makes much less than someone who has a degree. One aspect of that value is what is put inside the person's head.
Education and ideas do not care where they come from. The next time you walk into a wealthy person's home, ask to see their library. Chances are they have a personal library somewhere in the home. I would imagine that they did not decide to purchase a bunch of books because they had empty space to fill. I would surmise that the books helped create the ideas that created the wealth.
What have you done to add value to your currency today? Listen to audio books, read, attend a seminar. All of these activities are a great way for you to turn your $1 bill into a $100 bill...without getting arrested! Always Better Your Best!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
That made me think about currency. Obviously, I would rather have a $100 bill than a $1 bill. They are both made from the same material, but the value is determined by what is printed on and in them. Your value is determined in much the same way. Studies have shown that a high school drop out makes much less than a graduate who makes much less than someone who has a degree. One aspect of that value is what is put inside the person's head.
Education and ideas do not care where they come from. The next time you walk into a wealthy person's home, ask to see their library. Chances are they have a personal library somewhere in the home. I would imagine that they did not decide to purchase a bunch of books because they had empty space to fill. I would surmise that the books helped create the ideas that created the wealth.
What have you done to add value to your currency today? Listen to audio books, read, attend a seminar. All of these activities are a great way for you to turn your $1 bill into a $100 bill...without getting arrested! Always Better Your Best!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Sales Tips Learned While Falling From the Sky
I had the unique experience of jumping out of a perfectly good plane a few years ago. Prior to boarding the airplane and jumping out of it, the skydiving club educated us via a detailed ground school class. Through experience they knew it was a lot easier to figure out potential problems in the classroom than while plummeting to the ground at a high rate of speed.
Our instructor had completed hundreds of successful jumps and assured us that if we followed what he told us, we would have a great experience. Needless to say, none of the people in our group was going to "figure out our own way" to jump. Not a smart idea. We learned how to exit the plane safely so we didn’t have an encounter with the propeller, how to fall in the right posture, when to pull our chute, and how to land safely. The jump went off without a hitch and it was a fantastic experience. We understood and knew that the person we had been listening to knew what the heck he was talking about and that we were all in a much better situation to listen to his every word rather than “trial and error” which could be catastrophic.
Fast forward a few years later where I found myself as a sales manager running the #1 vacuum dealership in North America with my great friend and sales genius, Joe DelVecchio. We had 150 total sales people and had nearly 60 people coming in every day to sell full time, door to door. To insure success we would track everything: number of demonstrations, the number of referrals, the number of sales, and the number of owner referrals.
One day, we realized that the closing ratios weren’t adding up. Most direct sales closing ratios are 1 sale for every 3 or 4 demos. We were running 1 sale for every 6. In the morning meeting we decided to let all of the reps know that there were two people out of the 80 demonstrations scheduled for that day who were friends of Joe. They had been briefed on how the demonstration was supposed to run, no short cuts, including the appropriate closes. It was like a secret shopper, but the sales person would visit the shopper instead of the other way around. If the rep happened to do a demonstration for one of those people and did everything right, we would reward them with $200 cash the next morning.
An interesting thing happened that day. Instead of the 1 in 6 closing ratio, our group closed 1 in 2.6. The next morning, the reps came in fired up and excited. They had earned almost $21,000 in commission collectively the day prior. We placed every demo sheet in a hat and drew two names for the $200 cash. Frankly, Joe and I never did have any secret shoppers that day, but the lesson was the same. If you do the right things, every time; you will get the right results.
Do you have a business where your sales force roams free and doesn’t produce? Don’t get me wrong; if you have a salesperson that achieves fantastic results and puts on a clown suit to do it, that’s fine with me. However, most salespeople will flounder without a system and burn up the leads and opportunities that they’ve earned or have been given. There’s a reason why your name is on their paycheck, or that your name has the title of sales manager beside it. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you are a better salesman than everyone. It should mean that you understand a system of selling that can be duplicated and shared with others.
Here are a few things I draw upon to this day from my early years in the vac business that I’ve found to produce fantastic results for my top consulting clients who achieve consistent breakthroughs:
#1. Set up a demo board of achievement for salespeople to qualify and aim to make it onto. The demos or customers on this board are usually those who are unassigned to any particular representative and walk or call in saying things like, “I’d like to buy. Can you sell me product?” The reps MUST hit a goal the month prior to be on the demo board.
#2. Maintain a sales tracking system and check it often. This can be called a “pipeline” or “sales funnel”. Track the number of prospects talked to; follow up, results, and referrals. It is imperative that you maintain records of the customer’s contact information.
#3. Reward the right efforts, not just the results. Everyone has had days where you work your tail off and sell nothing. Everyone has had days where they are unstoppable. Applaud the effort; however, don’t let a salesperson become a “professional visitor” instead of salesperson. Track closing and referral numbers carefully.
I would imagine that the “success tracks” in your business have been laid. The question is, “Are you making sure your team is staying on the track?” Like the story to open up this article, don’t let them pack their own parachute until they’ve proven they can be successful and safely manage your business!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Our instructor had completed hundreds of successful jumps and assured us that if we followed what he told us, we would have a great experience. Needless to say, none of the people in our group was going to "figure out our own way" to jump. Not a smart idea. We learned how to exit the plane safely so we didn’t have an encounter with the propeller, how to fall in the right posture, when to pull our chute, and how to land safely. The jump went off without a hitch and it was a fantastic experience. We understood and knew that the person we had been listening to knew what the heck he was talking about and that we were all in a much better situation to listen to his every word rather than “trial and error” which could be catastrophic.
Fast forward a few years later where I found myself as a sales manager running the #1 vacuum dealership in North America with my great friend and sales genius, Joe DelVecchio. We had 150 total sales people and had nearly 60 people coming in every day to sell full time, door to door. To insure success we would track everything: number of demonstrations, the number of referrals, the number of sales, and the number of owner referrals.
One day, we realized that the closing ratios weren’t adding up. Most direct sales closing ratios are 1 sale for every 3 or 4 demos. We were running 1 sale for every 6. In the morning meeting we decided to let all of the reps know that there were two people out of the 80 demonstrations scheduled for that day who were friends of Joe. They had been briefed on how the demonstration was supposed to run, no short cuts, including the appropriate closes. It was like a secret shopper, but the sales person would visit the shopper instead of the other way around. If the rep happened to do a demonstration for one of those people and did everything right, we would reward them with $200 cash the next morning.
An interesting thing happened that day. Instead of the 1 in 6 closing ratio, our group closed 1 in 2.6. The next morning, the reps came in fired up and excited. They had earned almost $21,000 in commission collectively the day prior. We placed every demo sheet in a hat and drew two names for the $200 cash. Frankly, Joe and I never did have any secret shoppers that day, but the lesson was the same. If you do the right things, every time; you will get the right results.
Do you have a business where your sales force roams free and doesn’t produce? Don’t get me wrong; if you have a salesperson that achieves fantastic results and puts on a clown suit to do it, that’s fine with me. However, most salespeople will flounder without a system and burn up the leads and opportunities that they’ve earned or have been given. There’s a reason why your name is on their paycheck, or that your name has the title of sales manager beside it. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you are a better salesman than everyone. It should mean that you understand a system of selling that can be duplicated and shared with others.
Here are a few things I draw upon to this day from my early years in the vac business that I’ve found to produce fantastic results for my top consulting clients who achieve consistent breakthroughs:
#1. Set up a demo board of achievement for salespeople to qualify and aim to make it onto. The demos or customers on this board are usually those who are unassigned to any particular representative and walk or call in saying things like, “I’d like to buy. Can you sell me product?” The reps MUST hit a goal the month prior to be on the demo board.
#2. Maintain a sales tracking system and check it often. This can be called a “pipeline” or “sales funnel”. Track the number of prospects talked to; follow up, results, and referrals. It is imperative that you maintain records of the customer’s contact information.
#3. Reward the right efforts, not just the results. Everyone has had days where you work your tail off and sell nothing. Everyone has had days where they are unstoppable. Applaud the effort; however, don’t let a salesperson become a “professional visitor” instead of salesperson. Track closing and referral numbers carefully.
I would imagine that the “success tracks” in your business have been laid. The question is, “Are you making sure your team is staying on the track?” Like the story to open up this article, don’t let them pack their own parachute until they’ve proven they can be successful and safely manage your business!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Taylor Swift's Success Recipe
Last night the entertainment world was rocked by a very talented young woman. Taylor Swift, who is 19 years old, accepted 4 awards at the Country Music Awards show. Ironically, the one common denominator among the artists whom she beat out to win Entertainer of the Year was that she was an opening act for them on their tours.
Despite the millions of fans who are cheering for her and celebrating her success, there was one thing that Taylor Swift said that was profound. "Everything I have wanted has just happened to me." She started her career with passion, goals, and hard work. She knew it would not be an easy road, but she was more focused on where she was going to instead of what she was going through.
How can you learn from this success recipe? Regardless of the goal, starting point, or condition; several things remain constant:
1. Have a clear picture of what you would love to achieve. Remind yourself of it throughout the day.
2. Celebrate the little victories, no matter how seemingly insignificant.
3. Be prepared to do anything to make it happen!
While goals and dreams are nice, they are nothing without action. Put energy and passion into action and you will be unstoppable!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Despite the millions of fans who are cheering for her and celebrating her success, there was one thing that Taylor Swift said that was profound. "Everything I have wanted has just happened to me." She started her career with passion, goals, and hard work. She knew it would not be an easy road, but she was more focused on where she was going to instead of what she was going through.
How can you learn from this success recipe? Regardless of the goal, starting point, or condition; several things remain constant:
1. Have a clear picture of what you would love to achieve. Remind yourself of it throughout the day.
2. Celebrate the little victories, no matter how seemingly insignificant.
3. Be prepared to do anything to make it happen!
While goals and dreams are nice, they are nothing without action. Put energy and passion into action and you will be unstoppable!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
The Finish Line in Sales
When I visit with many sales professionals and ask them, "What is the finish line or goal of your client transaction?" I hear the same response nearly every time. "To write the order."
While writing the order by definition separates sales professionals from professional visitors, there is one huge missing piece that is worth thousands or even millions of dollars. The referral.
Many people think that by asking for a referral, or introduction to someone who may enjoy your product or service; they will jeopardize the sale that was just made. If you did that poor of a job demonstrating the need for your product or service, then you deserve to lose the deal. There is no stronger form of advertising than third party recommendation. Here is how one of my friends in the flooring industry asks for referrals.
"Thanks for your order, Mrs. Jones. Could you help me out? I like meeting nice people like you who have floors in their homes. Do you have any friends or neighbors that you could introduce me to who have floors in their homes?"
The customer usually laughs and mentions a few people. Many weak sales professionals will hand the new client a stack of cards and say something like, "If you can hand a couple of these out and tell them to call me..." If you listen hard enough, you just may hear the cards hitting the garbage can on the way out the door.
The most effective way to capture those leads is to follow up with something like, "If you could just write down their name or address in my client log book, I'd love to just drop them a note and introduce myself."
You want to be the person in charge of your referrals. If you are leaving referrals in the customer's mind, you are leaving money on the table. The worst thing they can do is tell you "No". They can't shoot you and eat you.
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
While writing the order by definition separates sales professionals from professional visitors, there is one huge missing piece that is worth thousands or even millions of dollars. The referral.
Many people think that by asking for a referral, or introduction to someone who may enjoy your product or service; they will jeopardize the sale that was just made. If you did that poor of a job demonstrating the need for your product or service, then you deserve to lose the deal. There is no stronger form of advertising than third party recommendation. Here is how one of my friends in the flooring industry asks for referrals.
"Thanks for your order, Mrs. Jones. Could you help me out? I like meeting nice people like you who have floors in their homes. Do you have any friends or neighbors that you could introduce me to who have floors in their homes?"
The customer usually laughs and mentions a few people. Many weak sales professionals will hand the new client a stack of cards and say something like, "If you can hand a couple of these out and tell them to call me..." If you listen hard enough, you just may hear the cards hitting the garbage can on the way out the door.
The most effective way to capture those leads is to follow up with something like, "If you could just write down their name or address in my client log book, I'd love to just drop them a note and introduce myself."
You want to be the person in charge of your referrals. If you are leaving referrals in the customer's mind, you are leaving money on the table. The worst thing they can do is tell you "No". They can't shoot you and eat you.
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Life Lessons From Bugs Bunny!
I am a complete Bugs Bunny FREAK! I love his attitude, antics, and persona. When I used to tour with our rock band, I even had one of our roadies paint the Warner Bros. bulls-eye with Bugs playing my guitar on the back of my biker jacket. That aside, I was thinking about the cartoons where someone is wrestling with a decision and this little angel is on one shoulder and the devil is on another.
"Do it!" the angel encourages, "Help the old lady across the street".
"Leave her alone, let her take her chances with traffic". mutters the Devil.
Bugs will usually flick the Devil off of the shoulder and do the right thing.
You get the picture.
I was visiting with a coaching client yesterday who has a book published and is a pretty good speaker. She has not been speaking for much of a fee and sells no books at her programs. The reason why she sells no books is because SOMEONE TOLD HER THAT HER BOOK DIDN'T MEAN MUCH.
Think about it...she invested in the publishing process, wrote the book, had enough belief in the message to speak about it; yet her "Devil" on her shoulder kept holding her career and income back. I calmly explained to her that this guy was an idiot, and she had my permission to sell her books and be successful.
One of my mentors and friends, Cleve Gaddis, used to call these "Devil"s SNIOPS. That stands for "Subject to the Negative Input of Other People's Statements". SNIOPS are the devil on the shoulder of many entrepreneurs, athletes, parents, and dreamers. If you have a huge dream, not everyone will get behind you. That is fine. Maybe you want to be the first in your family to attend college, get into real estate, or start a business. There are no shortage of people who will attempt to keep you from taking action and achieving your goal. There is a reason why the people from your past don't make it into your future. My challenge to you is that you recognize these "Devil"s and kick them off of your shoulder and out of your life. Here are 3 strategies that I have found imperative to success:
1. Be part of a Mastermind group. A mastermind is typically 4-6 people who get together in person, on the phone, or over the web a couple of times per month to brainstorm and hold you accountable.
2. READ! If you haven't read "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill, begin there.
3. ALWAYS TAKE ACTION. Small action is good, big action gets noticed. Stop "Getting ready to get ready!"
If there is anything that I can do to help you or your organization grow and achieve your dreams and goals; please feel free to contact us at dave@theshef.com.
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
"Do it!" the angel encourages, "Help the old lady across the street".
"Leave her alone, let her take her chances with traffic". mutters the Devil.
Bugs will usually flick the Devil off of the shoulder and do the right thing.
You get the picture.
I was visiting with a coaching client yesterday who has a book published and is a pretty good speaker. She has not been speaking for much of a fee and sells no books at her programs. The reason why she sells no books is because SOMEONE TOLD HER THAT HER BOOK DIDN'T MEAN MUCH.
Think about it...she invested in the publishing process, wrote the book, had enough belief in the message to speak about it; yet her "Devil" on her shoulder kept holding her career and income back. I calmly explained to her that this guy was an idiot, and she had my permission to sell her books and be successful.
One of my mentors and friends, Cleve Gaddis, used to call these "Devil"s SNIOPS. That stands for "Subject to the Negative Input of Other People's Statements". SNIOPS are the devil on the shoulder of many entrepreneurs, athletes, parents, and dreamers. If you have a huge dream, not everyone will get behind you. That is fine. Maybe you want to be the first in your family to attend college, get into real estate, or start a business. There are no shortage of people who will attempt to keep you from taking action and achieving your goal. There is a reason why the people from your past don't make it into your future. My challenge to you is that you recognize these "Devil"s and kick them off of your shoulder and out of your life. Here are 3 strategies that I have found imperative to success:
1. Be part of a Mastermind group. A mastermind is typically 4-6 people who get together in person, on the phone, or over the web a couple of times per month to brainstorm and hold you accountable.
2. READ! If you haven't read "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill, begin there.
3. ALWAYS TAKE ACTION. Small action is good, big action gets noticed. Stop "Getting ready to get ready!"
If there is anything that I can do to help you or your organization grow and achieve your dreams and goals; please feel free to contact us at dave@theshef.com.
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Let Your "Get By" Go "Bye Bye"
I am so astounded when I ask people how they are doing or how their business is and they respond with, "Not too bad." or "I'm getting by". They are either insanely modest and humble, or they are putting a verbal limitation on the potential for their business to grow.
If you asked your spouse to marry you and their response was , "That wouldn't be too bad". It wouldn't give you warm fuzzy feelings, would it? I would imagine that when that moment happened (or will happen), there was a tremendous amount of intense emotion!
Tom Hopkins tells us that we should respond with "Unbelievable" when someone asks us how business is going. If it is good or bad, we are covered. I would challenge you to lift the limitations off of your life, your business, your physical body, and your relationships by planting positive verbal seeds. The toughest conversations that we have are between our ears, and most of the time if someone else talked to you the way that you talk to you; you would probably smack them!
1. Affirm and focus on what you have, not what you don't.
2. Be thankful, and give some of what you have and some of who you are without expectation of repayment.
3. Meet with someone this week who is very successful and ask them some of their secrets. They could be in great physical shape, great financial shape, or in a great relationship. Chances are they would love to share secrets with you.
Above all, be prepared to take MASSIVE ACTION. Getting ready to get ready never got anyone anywhere. Be prepared to grow, be challenged, and expect success!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
If you asked your spouse to marry you and their response was , "That wouldn't be too bad". It wouldn't give you warm fuzzy feelings, would it? I would imagine that when that moment happened (or will happen), there was a tremendous amount of intense emotion!
Tom Hopkins tells us that we should respond with "Unbelievable" when someone asks us how business is going. If it is good or bad, we are covered. I would challenge you to lift the limitations off of your life, your business, your physical body, and your relationships by planting positive verbal seeds. The toughest conversations that we have are between our ears, and most of the time if someone else talked to you the way that you talk to you; you would probably smack them!
1. Affirm and focus on what you have, not what you don't.
2. Be thankful, and give some of what you have and some of who you are without expectation of repayment.
3. Meet with someone this week who is very successful and ask them some of their secrets. They could be in great physical shape, great financial shape, or in a great relationship. Chances are they would love to share secrets with you.
Above all, be prepared to take MASSIVE ACTION. Getting ready to get ready never got anyone anywhere. Be prepared to grow, be challenged, and expect success!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Monday, October 19, 2009
The Price of a Day
This is the beginning of a new day.
I have been given this day to use as I will.
I can waste it or use it for good,
But what I do today is important,
-Because I am exchanging a day of my life for it.
When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever,
Leaving in its place something I have traded for it.
I want it to be gain and not loss,
Good, and not evil; success, and not failure,
In order that I shall not regret the price that
I have paid for it.
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
I have been given this day to use as I will.
I can waste it or use it for good,
But what I do today is important,
-Because I am exchanging a day of my life for it.
When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever,
Leaving in its place something I have traded for it.
I want it to be gain and not loss,
Good, and not evil; success, and not failure,
In order that I shall not regret the price that
I have paid for it.
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Up Your Standards!
I was meeting with a coaching client the other day. We were discussing what was different regarding good months and not so good months. "I had a target to shoot for, and I was supported by my boss to hit it." Was his response. Sometimes it is a tiny piece of the puzzle that is missing for salespeople, students, and businesses to achieve their goals.
I reminded him that I was giving him permission to have his greatest month, ever. He just had to get out of his own way. Are there obstacles? Will everyone support him? Will he still have bad days? We all know the answers to these questions. Life is not perfect, but when you have a clear target in mind, you will breeze by the obstacles and hit your target.
I'm giving you permission to his your goals, dreams, and desires. Now get out of your own way and do it!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
I reminded him that I was giving him permission to have his greatest month, ever. He just had to get out of his own way. Are there obstacles? Will everyone support him? Will he still have bad days? We all know the answers to these questions. Life is not perfect, but when you have a clear target in mind, you will breeze by the obstacles and hit your target.
I'm giving you permission to his your goals, dreams, and desires. Now get out of your own way and do it!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
A Drop of Water Can Wash Your Business Away
Beliefs and convictions are very powerful tools. They are the foundational building blocks of everything in our lives. If you believe that being in physical shape is hard, you will find evidence to back that up. If you believe that business is hard, you will find evidence to back that up. It takes a lot of work to overcome a belief, especially if it is one founded upon poor information.
This spring we started having water in the basement of our river house. We never had such a problem, but it was a pretty damp Spring and we assumed that it would pass. We would suck up the water and dump it out, always waiting for the basement to dry out. I even went as far as building a wooden platform in front of the washer and dryer so we wouldn't be standing in water while doing laundry. I was convinced that we needed to install a sump pump to keep the basement dry.
Due to our busy schedules, we did not have time to complete the installation. I was ready schedule someone to jackhammer the pit in and get the thing done. Saturday I stepped downstairs, planning on sucking up yet another 70 gallons of water when I heard a drip..drip..drip. I grabbed a flashlight and within 10 seconds realized that an 89 cent fitting on a piece of plumbing was a bit loose and was dripping. I fixed the plumbing in less than a minute and cleaned the basement.
Every day since, the basement has been dry. That "false belief" that I had created a set of actions and consequences that would never have solved the problem. Here are a few things to ponder:
1. Is what I believe about my business or my goals true, or based upon a story that I have held onto for a long time?
2. What would have to be true in order for my belief to be true?
3. What are some other possibilities of solving a seemingly impossible problem or situation?
Beware of the beliefs that you hold. It never hurts to look a little deeper into a situation, explore a couple of different remedies, and take a different course. Now, get out of your own way, and better your best!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
This spring we started having water in the basement of our river house. We never had such a problem, but it was a pretty damp Spring and we assumed that it would pass. We would suck up the water and dump it out, always waiting for the basement to dry out. I even went as far as building a wooden platform in front of the washer and dryer so we wouldn't be standing in water while doing laundry. I was convinced that we needed to install a sump pump to keep the basement dry.
Due to our busy schedules, we did not have time to complete the installation. I was ready schedule someone to jackhammer the pit in and get the thing done. Saturday I stepped downstairs, planning on sucking up yet another 70 gallons of water when I heard a drip..drip..drip. I grabbed a flashlight and within 10 seconds realized that an 89 cent fitting on a piece of plumbing was a bit loose and was dripping. I fixed the plumbing in less than a minute and cleaned the basement.
Every day since, the basement has been dry. That "false belief" that I had created a set of actions and consequences that would never have solved the problem. Here are a few things to ponder:
1. Is what I believe about my business or my goals true, or based upon a story that I have held onto for a long time?
2. What would have to be true in order for my belief to be true?
3. What are some other possibilities of solving a seemingly impossible problem or situation?
Beware of the beliefs that you hold. It never hurts to look a little deeper into a situation, explore a couple of different remedies, and take a different course. Now, get out of your own way, and better your best!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Feed Your Head!
"If you spend as much feeding your mind as you do your body, you will never have to worry about a roof over your head or food for your body."-Albert Einstein.
How true! The old statistic used to be that people were 7 times more likely to have a Blockbuster Video card than they were a library card. Now that Redbox and Netflix have all but put Blockbuster out of business, I don't know how well that would hold today. The interesting thing is that less than 10% of adults will read a non fiction book after they are done with their schooling.
Life can be learned by trial and error which is quite expensive. Or you can learn from other people's mistakes and successes. Many of these experience are chronicled in books and audios. If you don't have the means to purchase the books, hit your local library.
When I first met Les Brown, he told me something that has stuck with me since; "Never stop learning, earning, or yearning." Don't shift your life into neutral. Grow your mind, grow your relationships, grow your business!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
How true! The old statistic used to be that people were 7 times more likely to have a Blockbuster Video card than they were a library card. Now that Redbox and Netflix have all but put Blockbuster out of business, I don't know how well that would hold today. The interesting thing is that less than 10% of adults will read a non fiction book after they are done with their schooling.
Life can be learned by trial and error which is quite expensive. Or you can learn from other people's mistakes and successes. Many of these experience are chronicled in books and audios. If you don't have the means to purchase the books, hit your local library.
When I first met Les Brown, he told me something that has stuck with me since; "Never stop learning, earning, or yearning." Don't shift your life into neutral. Grow your mind, grow your relationships, grow your business!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Limit Your Options, Limit Your Life
"You are either growing or you are dying." was a phrase that I remember vividly almost two decades after meeting Anthony Robbins at the Target Center in Minneapolis, MN. Obviously as children and teens we are growing physically and mentally. However, many people shift their life learning into neutral when they are completed with their formal education.
Colonial Harlan Sanders (the founder of KFC) went out on a limb and started his business at the young age of 65 to supplement his $105 per month Social Security checks. Grandma Moses didn't start painting until she was 80. Google, Apple, Intel, and many others were started by young people with little more than a dream and an undying desire to succeed.
All of the above people are no different than you or I. They just realized that they needed to expand and grow their possibilities. Maybe you could be the next Taylor Swift, the next Colonial Sanders, the next Rockefeller. You just need to DECIDE to do it. Get out of your own way and make something happen!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Colonial Harlan Sanders (the founder of KFC) went out on a limb and started his business at the young age of 65 to supplement his $105 per month Social Security checks. Grandma Moses didn't start painting until she was 80. Google, Apple, Intel, and many others were started by young people with little more than a dream and an undying desire to succeed.
All of the above people are no different than you or I. They just realized that they needed to expand and grow their possibilities. Maybe you could be the next Taylor Swift, the next Colonial Sanders, the next Rockefeller. You just need to DECIDE to do it. Get out of your own way and make something happen!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Little Things Lead to Big Dollars
Why is it that some servers in restaurants do very well, yet others starve? Why does a successful businessperson seem to just attract more business while their competition is withering on the vine? Read on...
Shelly and I are proud to have an outgoing, high energy daughter named Molly. She is a server at a local steakhouse. There are many times when she will have a customer who will tip her 30%, 50%, even 100% of the ticket. It absolutely blows us away. When asked about what things contributed to her "big nights" in terms of earnings, she comments on a few things that you may find useful and may want to implement in your business.
1. Look great. She knows that if her nails are looking good, tips go up. When she wears her hair a certain way, her tips go up. Most importantly, she KNOWS that she must exude energy and passion for what she does, and her tips will go up.
2. Communicate. She does not just go to a table to take the guest's order; she engages them in small talk. She understands that building a bridge of rapport will endear the customer to her.
3. Over-deliver. Even if the kitchen is running behind, the place sounds like a madhouse, or the sky falls; she will make sure that the customer's drinks are full, the bread does not run out, and the customer feels like they are kept "in the loop".
4. Take care of those who help out. Molly will tip her food runners and other people. It may seem foolish to some to pull money out of your pocket and give it to someone, but her runners love working with her and the performance shows.
I realize that few of you are in the restaurant industry, but any server at a restaurant is a perfect snapshot of an entrepreneur. They have the wonderful benefit of seeing the results of their actions in a very short time-frame and can adjust actions accordingly. Many businesses will dawdle in one direction and hope for a feedback of customer service months or years down the road.
Recognize the similarities between the food industry and your industry. Find a way to better your best!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Shelly and I are proud to have an outgoing, high energy daughter named Molly. She is a server at a local steakhouse. There are many times when she will have a customer who will tip her 30%, 50%, even 100% of the ticket. It absolutely blows us away. When asked about what things contributed to her "big nights" in terms of earnings, she comments on a few things that you may find useful and may want to implement in your business.
1. Look great. She knows that if her nails are looking good, tips go up. When she wears her hair a certain way, her tips go up. Most importantly, she KNOWS that she must exude energy and passion for what she does, and her tips will go up.
2. Communicate. She does not just go to a table to take the guest's order; she engages them in small talk. She understands that building a bridge of rapport will endear the customer to her.
3. Over-deliver. Even if the kitchen is running behind, the place sounds like a madhouse, or the sky falls; she will make sure that the customer's drinks are full, the bread does not run out, and the customer feels like they are kept "in the loop".
4. Take care of those who help out. Molly will tip her food runners and other people. It may seem foolish to some to pull money out of your pocket and give it to someone, but her runners love working with her and the performance shows.
I realize that few of you are in the restaurant industry, but any server at a restaurant is a perfect snapshot of an entrepreneur. They have the wonderful benefit of seeing the results of their actions in a very short time-frame and can adjust actions accordingly. Many businesses will dawdle in one direction and hope for a feedback of customer service months or years down the road.
Recognize the similarities between the food industry and your industry. Find a way to better your best!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Get Out of Your Own Way
Ask the first person that you see after reading this "What do you want in life?" Chances are they will respond with a list of things that they wouldn't like. "Well, I don't want this", "I would like to do this BUT..."
Have you realized that most people's worst fears don't ever happen outside of the confines of their own minds? There are enough people who are more than happy to quash your dreams, why would you want to join them?
Here are a few things that will work:
1. Decide what it is that you would love to be/do/have.
2. Take MASSIVE action immediately.
3. Monitor and move the results.
I don't recommend taking small steps. Small steps produce small results; and small mistakes. Large actions produce large results whether they are good or bad. This will force you to take notice and change course appropriately instead of slowly bleeding your dreams to death.
For a free goal setting report, email us at dave@theshef.com!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Have you realized that most people's worst fears don't ever happen outside of the confines of their own minds? There are enough people who are more than happy to quash your dreams, why would you want to join them?
Here are a few things that will work:
1. Decide what it is that you would love to be/do/have.
2. Take MASSIVE action immediately.
3. Monitor and move the results.
I don't recommend taking small steps. Small steps produce small results; and small mistakes. Large actions produce large results whether they are good or bad. This will force you to take notice and change course appropriately instead of slowly bleeding your dreams to death.
For a free goal setting report, email us at dave@theshef.com!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
The Icing on the Cake
What compels someone to do business with a certain company? What keeps people coming back? How do you build a rabid, loyal following? Let's take a look at the 3 ways that businesses can grow their revenue:
1. Create new customers. This is by far the most expensive way to grow revenue as you have the acquisition cost. However, if you treat them right they will stay. Why do you think cellular phone companies spend an average of $700 per customer to acquire them? Why does a grocer take out $30,000 worth of ads per week? Getting them in the door is crucial.
2. Create more revenue per transaction. I have a client who is a hair stylist. After we began our coaching, she raised her prices 25%. She lost her lowest paying 5% of clients and still made more money. She also began offering hair products to everyone in the chair. Once she realized that they couldn't shoot her and eat her when offered the opportunity to buy additional product, her revenue went up!
3. Book repeat business and ask for referrals. Every time I get my hair cut I am asked to book my next appointment. What a great way to keep me coming back! Look at any nutritional company or health club. They don't just sell you one bottle of vitamins or a single workout. They will collect from you every month!
The greatest way to keep a client is to create a "Wow" experience. It could be offering them a beverage while waiting in your lobby, sending a card thanking them for their time, or delivering a small gift to them. For additional information and other great information, visit www.theshef.com
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
1. Create new customers. This is by far the most expensive way to grow revenue as you have the acquisition cost. However, if you treat them right they will stay. Why do you think cellular phone companies spend an average of $700 per customer to acquire them? Why does a grocer take out $30,000 worth of ads per week? Getting them in the door is crucial.
2. Create more revenue per transaction. I have a client who is a hair stylist. After we began our coaching, she raised her prices 25%. She lost her lowest paying 5% of clients and still made more money. She also began offering hair products to everyone in the chair. Once she realized that they couldn't shoot her and eat her when offered the opportunity to buy additional product, her revenue went up!
3. Book repeat business and ask for referrals. Every time I get my hair cut I am asked to book my next appointment. What a great way to keep me coming back! Look at any nutritional company or health club. They don't just sell you one bottle of vitamins or a single workout. They will collect from you every month!
The greatest way to keep a client is to create a "Wow" experience. It could be offering them a beverage while waiting in your lobby, sending a card thanking them for their time, or delivering a small gift to them. For additional information and other great information, visit www.theshef.com
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
A Sale is Made Every Time
Either you will sell a customer on why they should do business with you or they sell you on why they are not. Many factors go into this. Over the last few weeks, I have noticed a disturbing trend. I'm finding that salespeople/businesses fall into a few different categories:
1. Field of dreams. I built it, they will come. I deserve their hard earned money and don't have to make the experience memorable for them. Think about most major airlines and the service that you receive. (How's that working?!)
2. They will come get me if they want something. Have you ever had to interrupt two or more employees talking to each other to ask them a simple question? What a pain in the butt! Many people don't understand that it is the customer who writes their paycheck, not the company.
3. Trusted adviser. We had a great experience last night. Shelly and I were guests in a women's clothing store and were greeted by a fantastic associate named Lisa. "I just wanted to let you know that everything on this wall is on sale. What outfits can I help you find?" she asked. Guess who earned our business?
The woman described above was not pushy or over the top. She acted in a way that made us feel comfortable by telling us about a special and asking us a yes/yes question. Note that she didn't ask us if we needed help. (We weren't trying to change a flat tire for gosh sakes! It's amazing how many salespeople try to offer pity to their customers!) She simply assumed that we were going to do business there and wanted to help us.
Think about it.....
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
1. Field of dreams. I built it, they will come. I deserve their hard earned money and don't have to make the experience memorable for them. Think about most major airlines and the service that you receive. (How's that working?!)
2. They will come get me if they want something. Have you ever had to interrupt two or more employees talking to each other to ask them a simple question? What a pain in the butt! Many people don't understand that it is the customer who writes their paycheck, not the company.
3. Trusted adviser. We had a great experience last night. Shelly and I were guests in a women's clothing store and were greeted by a fantastic associate named Lisa. "I just wanted to let you know that everything on this wall is on sale. What outfits can I help you find?" she asked. Guess who earned our business?
The woman described above was not pushy or over the top. She acted in a way that made us feel comfortable by telling us about a special and asking us a yes/yes question. Note that she didn't ask us if we needed help. (We weren't trying to change a flat tire for gosh sakes! It's amazing how many salespeople try to offer pity to their customers!) She simply assumed that we were going to do business there and wanted to help us.
Think about it.....
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Are You Saving Time...or Investing It?
Our city hosted the "Get Motivated" seminars by Peter Lowe come to town this past week. It is a fantastic deal. For a few bucks, you get to spend the day with some of the greatest opinion leaders on the subjects of leadership, wealth, spirituality, relationships, and motivation. This year Rudy Giuliani headlined it and was joined by Zig Ziglar, Phil Towne, and many others. The events also draw nearly 8000-12,000 people.
One of the interesting observation that I notice when I'm at an event is that the people who attend usually are high achievers. They take the bull by the horns and make things happen. They are also open to new possibilities and opportunities. They are also very "busy" people. Conversely, the people who could really benefit from attending an event never find the time to invest in themselves. Yet they can provide an accurate account of the hottest television programs on any given evening. When is the last time you received a check from a television station for watching their shows?
We have one commodity that we can never get more of...time. You spend your time on some activities and you invest it with others. Here are a few things that I have found to be great uses of time:
1. Reading
2. Writing
3. Time with family
4. Working out
5. Attending seminars
6. Prayer or meditation
Think about it...the clock is ticking!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
In Times Like These...
I was reading an article this morning mentioning the craziness of people feeling some kind of doom. Let's think about this for a minute. If you are wanting to be successful in whatever endeavor, would it benefit you to begin by thinking, "If I fail at this..."? Of course not! If your young child is carrying a drinking glass into another room many parents say, "Don't spill!" Guess what happens next?
YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND DOES NOT RECOGNIZE A NEGATIVE STATEMENT, ONLY POSITIVE! The child's mind heard "spill" so it did what it was commanded to do. The same statement is true for people who say, "I'm not a smoker" or "I'm not fat". You get the picture.
My challenge to you is to think on purpose and not to regurgitate whatever garbage you hear. If you want your business to succeed, do what it takes. If you want your family to be a tight knit family, do what it takes. After all, when is the last time that the government or the media encouraged you to do something? You are the only one in charge of your success.
Here are a few things to change the states of people who are negative:
1. If someone is ranting or moaning about ongoing problems, put a clown nose on and listen to them.
2. If they are in your office and not leaving, you leave.
3. Next time you visit the bank, ask if they are offering free samples today.
The reason why few people achieve their potential in life is that they are afraid to make decisions and take responsibility for those decisions. I challenge you to pursue something that you have been putting off, take action on something that you have been thinking about, and to celebrate your momentum!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND DOES NOT RECOGNIZE A NEGATIVE STATEMENT, ONLY POSITIVE! The child's mind heard "spill" so it did what it was commanded to do. The same statement is true for people who say, "I'm not a smoker" or "I'm not fat". You get the picture.
My challenge to you is to think on purpose and not to regurgitate whatever garbage you hear. If you want your business to succeed, do what it takes. If you want your family to be a tight knit family, do what it takes. After all, when is the last time that the government or the media encouraged you to do something? You are the only one in charge of your success.
Here are a few things to change the states of people who are negative:
1. If someone is ranting or moaning about ongoing problems, put a clown nose on and listen to them.
2. If they are in your office and not leaving, you leave.
3. Next time you visit the bank, ask if they are offering free samples today.
The reason why few people achieve their potential in life is that they are afraid to make decisions and take responsibility for those decisions. I challenge you to pursue something that you have been putting off, take action on something that you have been thinking about, and to celebrate your momentum!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Have Some Fun!

I really enjoy doing business with people who are...pleasant. Not that they have to bring out a marching band and do back flips everytime a customer walks in; but just enjoy what you are doing! Sometime I would love to take an air horn with me to recognize "Service Fouls". I don't know if blasting the air horn would improve service, but it sure would get their attention!
Here are a few of the things that Shelly and I observed last weekend while traveling:
1. 3 employees talking to each other while customers were waiting to pay for items.
2. An employee helping someone balance their cash drawer while we were waiting to sample their product.
3. No smile. Damn, that is a killer.
These are just a few. Don't get me wrong; I set out to find OUTSTANDING customer service everywhere I go. When I do, I jump to reward and compliment. We had a fantastic bartender on Friday night who was very nice. We were looking for an outfitter to drop us off so we could kayak. This young woman explained that her mom and dad were camping at the same campground we were and would be happy to shuttle us. By the time we had our salads, our rides were arranged!
When people are lamenting about a tough economy, people not spending money, or any other garbage; maybe they should look in the mirror. Are they happy and excited to welcome business, or do they look as if they just ate a big bowl of grumpy and can't wait to share it with the world?
Food for thought!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
What Are Your Dream Daggers?
I was speaking to a great group this past weekend. We were discussing how some people seem to achieve more than others. I love the Larry Winget quote, "You can't dream yourself to success, attract yourself to success, you need to WORK your way to success." One of the most basic observations that I have found is that successful people live with different words than people who are not as fulfilled.
Here are a few "dream dagger" words: try, hope, might, should, wish....
In the program, I had an audience volunteer come up to the stage and "try" to pick up a set of keys. He bent down to pick them up but I stopped him. He WAS picking up car keys. You cannot "try" to do anything. Just do!
Do you have a dream that is in neutral? What are you feeding it with?
1. Surround yourself with people who encourage you.
2. Live with "can do" words.
3. Take some kind of action EVERY DAY to make your dream a reality.
4. Model someone who has accomplished what you are striving to accomplish.
Hope this gets you going on this 4th of July weekend!
Visit www.theshef.com
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Here are a few "dream dagger" words: try, hope, might, should, wish....
In the program, I had an audience volunteer come up to the stage and "try" to pick up a set of keys. He bent down to pick them up but I stopped him. He WAS picking up car keys. You cannot "try" to do anything. Just do!
Do you have a dream that is in neutral? What are you feeding it with?
1. Surround yourself with people who encourage you.
2. Live with "can do" words.
3. Take some kind of action EVERY DAY to make your dream a reality.
4. Model someone who has accomplished what you are striving to accomplish.
Hope this gets you going on this 4th of July weekend!
Visit www.theshef.com
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Use Your Inside Voice
This past weekend, we went out with a few friends to one of our favorite watering holes. We really enjoy the atmosphere, staff, and their martinis. Our server was a very energetic young man who clearly loved what he did. He made us laugh, was very prompt, and helped create a wonderful memory. (Note: If you work in the hospitality industry, you are not in the business of food or beverage, you are in the business of creating an experience)
At the end of the evening, we were talking about how much we really enjoyed our server. As he was presenting us with the tab, he said, "I have a few jokes for you..." No problem. We love good jokes and I'm anything but thin skinned. He then proceeded to launch into 3 or 4 VERY inappropriate jokes. We left with a completely different attitude than we had just minutes prior.
Here are a few things to keep in mind: 1. If you are in an industry where you deal with the public, your opinions are fine to share. Just have some discretion. 2. Not every client shares your view of the world/politics/religion, etc. Stay away from it. 3. Know your audience! I remember a story of a famous speaker addressing a group of GM workers talking about how great his Lexus was. He wasn't invited back. Use your head.
Keep in mind that it takes a long time to create a great impression and milliseconds to shatter one.
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
At the end of the evening, we were talking about how much we really enjoyed our server. As he was presenting us with the tab, he said, "I have a few jokes for you..." No problem. We love good jokes and I'm anything but thin skinned. He then proceeded to launch into 3 or 4 VERY inappropriate jokes. We left with a completely different attitude than we had just minutes prior.
Here are a few things to keep in mind: 1. If you are in an industry where you deal with the public, your opinions are fine to share. Just have some discretion. 2. Not every client shares your view of the world/politics/religion, etc. Stay away from it. 3. Know your audience! I remember a story of a famous speaker addressing a group of GM workers talking about how great his Lexus was. He wasn't invited back. Use your head.
Keep in mind that it takes a long time to create a great impression and milliseconds to shatter one.
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Are You Ready for a Comeback?
We had a wonderful weekend filled with kid's ball games. Some were won and others were lost, but a total of 7 ball games in a 3 day span is a great thing. Branson's team had a game that started at 9pm on Saturday evening. The team was down by 1 point in the last inning and Bran was up to bat. 2 outs, full count. Needless to say, there was just a little pressure.
He smacks the ball well into the outfield and causes 2 RBIs for the win! The entire attitude of the team was lifted and they had a great amount of renewed energy (despite the fact it was 11:15pm) What a comeback!
That got me thinkin'...What rules do you have for you to feel good about a comeback?
Do you set impossibly high standards for yourself so you are always discouraged, or do you set milestones and rewards? Have you had temporary challenges in your life and view those as a sentence for failure?
In my live programs, I have my audience administer an "attitude check" on themselves. We have hundreds (or thousands) of people screaming, "SOME WILL, SOME WON'T, SO WHAT!!!" What I mean by that is that some people will support you, some things may go your way, some feelings will come naturally. Some stuff won't go your way; and SO WHAT! You can't live in the world of "If only..." You must live in the world of what IS...
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For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
He smacks the ball well into the outfield and causes 2 RBIs for the win! The entire attitude of the team was lifted and they had a great amount of renewed energy (despite the fact it was 11:15pm) What a comeback!
That got me thinkin'...What rules do you have for you to feel good about a comeback?
Do you set impossibly high standards for yourself so you are always discouraged, or do you set milestones and rewards? Have you had temporary challenges in your life and view those as a sentence for failure?
In my live programs, I have my audience administer an "attitude check" on themselves. We have hundreds (or thousands) of people screaming, "SOME WILL, SOME WON'T, SO WHAT!!!" What I mean by that is that some people will support you, some things may go your way, some feelings will come naturally. Some stuff won't go your way; and SO WHAT! You can't live in the world of "If only..." You must live in the world of what IS...
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For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Do You Have a Postcard?
So I'm walking the dog the other night. It is a beautiful June evening on the Mississippi river, I can see the lights of Iowa cascading across the still waters of the river. Pelicans are floating, frogs are well, doing whatever the heck frogs do, and life is good. At that moment I realized that this evening was a postcard worthy event.
When people travel, they typically pick up souvenirs to remember a specific event. Pictures are the same way. What a great way to remember a fun trip or journey! However, what is life other than a journey? Here are a few postcards that I have lived in the last few days:
1. The smile on Alex's face when he struck a kid out.
2. The look on someone's face when I paid them a genuine compliment.
3. The "yipee" factor of closing a big deal.
4. The rush I felt when Shelly said "Yes" when I asked her to marry me.
5. The serenity of listening to nature.
6. Hearing people close to me tell me that I'm loved.
This represents just a few that came to mind. What are your rules for postcards? Are you setting yourself up for failure by setting impossible standards, or are you rewarding every step along the way?
Think about it...
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
When people travel, they typically pick up souvenirs to remember a specific event. Pictures are the same way. What a great way to remember a fun trip or journey! However, what is life other than a journey? Here are a few postcards that I have lived in the last few days:
1. The smile on Alex's face when he struck a kid out.
2. The look on someone's face when I paid them a genuine compliment.
3. The "yipee" factor of closing a big deal.
4. The rush I felt when Shelly said "Yes" when I asked her to marry me.
5. The serenity of listening to nature.
6. Hearing people close to me tell me that I'm loved.
This represents just a few that came to mind. What are your rules for postcards? Are you setting yourself up for failure by setting impossible standards, or are you rewarding every step along the way?
Think about it...
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
You Can Take Charge!
I'm reading some quotes from the great Jim Rohn. This one caught my eye, and is now covered with highlighter.
Philosophy drives attitude
Attitude drives actions
Actions drive results
results drive lifestyles
If you don't like your lifestyle, look at your results.
If you don't like your results, look at your actions.
If you don't like your actions, look at your attitude.
If you don't like your attitude, look at your philosophy.
If you think about it, the above quote screams a few things at me.
1. Self reliance. Notice that he didn't say, "If everyone at work and home are cheery and supportive, I can succeed." YOU are the only one who can create success for you.
2. Focus on the solution. Don't listen to the water cooler whiners who are focused on the problems or talk about how unfair things are. Focus on the solution!
3. Understand that direction and belief are the genesis of greatness. Figuring out why you are committed to something is more important than the action steps at the beginning of something. A lot of times people like to be "busy" doing something without having the "big picture" of what they are going toward. Take some time and focus on the why!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Philosophy drives attitude
Attitude drives actions
Actions drive results
results drive lifestyles
If you don't like your lifestyle, look at your results.
If you don't like your results, look at your actions.
If you don't like your actions, look at your attitude.
If you don't like your attitude, look at your philosophy.
If you think about it, the above quote screams a few things at me.
1. Self reliance. Notice that he didn't say, "If everyone at work and home are cheery and supportive, I can succeed." YOU are the only one who can create success for you.
2. Focus on the solution. Don't listen to the water cooler whiners who are focused on the problems or talk about how unfair things are. Focus on the solution!
3. Understand that direction and belief are the genesis of greatness. Figuring out why you are committed to something is more important than the action steps at the beginning of something. A lot of times people like to be "busy" doing something without having the "big picture" of what they are going toward. Take some time and focus on the why!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Remove the Easy Obstacles
We have many obstacles in our world. Some we can control, and others show up at the most in-opportune times. One of the things that I have found a great aid in achieving what you want in your business, life, relationships, and health is to remove the littlest of obstacles.
There is a drug for a blood thinning drug running on television. It shows a strong good looking man with a hard hat walking around a construction site. "Joe is a strong 200 lb man, but a blood clot the size of a pencil tip nearly brought him down..." The idea is that this little clot in the wrong place can kill you.
I began to think about how in our minds we come up with many big things that can sabotage our goals or directions. Here are a few:
"I'd love to start exercising, BUT what if I twist my ankle and can't walk for my daughter's wedding in 8 months."
"I'd love to visit that destination, BUT I hear the traffic/crime is bad."
"I'd love to take our relationship to another level, BUT that would open me up and leave me vulnerable."
Think about the reserve and dispassionate life that someone may lead when they let fear dictate their direction, not love. Here are a few things that I have found useful in combating a sabotaging environment:
1. When I get up I put my running clothes on and running shoes too. I need to run. My clients really wouldn't like me showing up at their offices or conventions in my workout clothes!
2. I ask myself, "Why CAN this be great?" when my knee jerk reaction is the opposite.
3. I read something positive every morning for at least 10 minutes. Your brain is most open to suggestion at this time. I may as well put good stuff into it as opposed to negative.
For more great information, click "Join our mailing list" on my website at www.theshef.com
Chew on it...
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
There is a drug for a blood thinning drug running on television. It shows a strong good looking man with a hard hat walking around a construction site. "Joe is a strong 200 lb man, but a blood clot the size of a pencil tip nearly brought him down..." The idea is that this little clot in the wrong place can kill you.
I began to think about how in our minds we come up with many big things that can sabotage our goals or directions. Here are a few:
"I'd love to start exercising, BUT what if I twist my ankle and can't walk for my daughter's wedding in 8 months."
"I'd love to visit that destination, BUT I hear the traffic/crime is bad."
"I'd love to take our relationship to another level, BUT that would open me up and leave me vulnerable."
Think about the reserve and dispassionate life that someone may lead when they let fear dictate their direction, not love. Here are a few things that I have found useful in combating a sabotaging environment:
1. When I get up I put my running clothes on and running shoes too. I need to run. My clients really wouldn't like me showing up at their offices or conventions in my workout clothes!
2. I ask myself, "Why CAN this be great?" when my knee jerk reaction is the opposite.
3. I read something positive every morning for at least 10 minutes. Your brain is most open to suggestion at this time. I may as well put good stuff into it as opposed to negative.
For more great information, click "Join our mailing list" on my website at www.theshef.com
Chew on it...
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Are You Stretching?
Stretching is an important part of any exercise program. If you don't stretch (after a slight warm up) your body may have cramping and muscle spasm. There is a bit of pain, but in the end, the relaxed muscles allow you to go farther than you were able to before.
If you are really ambitious, try yoga. We love going to Indigo Wellness (www.indigowellness.info) in Moline, IL. Aside from people who have this ability to twist themselves into a pretzel, most are just enjoying the work out. I have found that it helps with pain and injury as well as overall well-being.
Are you stretching yourself mentally? When is the last time you read something, attended a seminar, or listened to a personal development audio? Focus on life long learning. Remember that great ideas don't care where they come from! Chew on that one for a while...
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or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
If you are really ambitious, try yoga. We love going to Indigo Wellness (www.indigowellness.info) in Moline, IL. Aside from people who have this ability to twist themselves into a pretzel, most are just enjoying the work out. I have found that it helps with pain and injury as well as overall well-being.
Are you stretching yourself mentally? When is the last time you read something, attended a seminar, or listened to a personal development audio? Focus on life long learning. Remember that great ideas don't care where they come from! Chew on that one for a while...
visit www.theshef.com
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
I Don't Wanna...
Momentum is a very interesting creature. It is awesome when you have it and what you are doing propels you forward with very little effort. It is a pain when you need to start building it. Jim Collins writes about the "flywheel" concept in his best seller, Good to Great. Simply put, a large flywheel (think merry-go-round) takes a tremendous amount of effort to get moving with very little reward in the beginning. Once the flywheel develops momentum, however, it does not take much effort to keep it going.
Where am I going with all of this? We are sitting in our running clothes, enjoying a beautiful morning. We are committed to running, love running, and know that we have to run. Yet, I'm writing this blog.... If there is something you are committed to doing, take some kind of action. It may be small, but successful people don't do large things better than anyone else, they do a series of small things that other people are not willing to do.
1. What can I do RIGHT NOW that will move me in the direction that I want to go?
2. What little thing can you do right now to start momentum?
3. What reward will I get when I take some action?
Now if you'll excuse me, I am going for a run.....
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Where am I going with all of this? We are sitting in our running clothes, enjoying a beautiful morning. We are committed to running, love running, and know that we have to run. Yet, I'm writing this blog.... If there is something you are committed to doing, take some kind of action. It may be small, but successful people don't do large things better than anyone else, they do a series of small things that other people are not willing to do.
1. What can I do RIGHT NOW that will move me in the direction that I want to go?
2. What little thing can you do right now to start momentum?
3. What reward will I get when I take some action?
Now if you'll excuse me, I am going for a run.....
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
I Don't Wanna...
Momentum is a very interesting creature. It is awesome when you have it and what you are doing propels you forward with very little effort. It is a pain when you need to start building it. Jim Collins writes about the "flywheel" concept in his best seller, Good to Great. Simply put, a large flywheel (think merry-go-round) takes a tremendous amount of effort to get moving with very little reward in the beginning. Once the flywheel develops momentum, however, it does not take much effort to keep it going.
Where am I going with all of this? We are sitting in our running clothes, enjoying a beautiful morning. We are committed to running, love running, and know that we have to run. Yet, I'm writing this blog.... If there is something you are committed to doing, take some kind of action. It may be small, but successful people don't do large things better than anyone else, they do a series of small things that other people are not willing to do.
1. What can I do RIGHT NOW that will move me in the direction that I want to go?
2. What little thing can you do right now to start momentum?
3. What reward will I get when I take some action?
Now if you'll excuse me, I am going for a run.....
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Where am I going with all of this? We are sitting in our running clothes, enjoying a beautiful morning. We are committed to running, love running, and know that we have to run. Yet, I'm writing this blog.... If there is something you are committed to doing, take some kind of action. It may be small, but successful people don't do large things better than anyone else, they do a series of small things that other people are not willing to do.
1. What can I do RIGHT NOW that will move me in the direction that I want to go?
2. What little thing can you do right now to start momentum?
3. What reward will I get when I take some action?
Now if you'll excuse me, I am going for a run.....
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Do You Have the Barb Factor?
I have the pleasure of traveling quite a bit. This allows me to see a variety of great places and great people. It also puts me in a great number of airplanes. Many times the service is less than stellar, but every once in a while I encounter someone who makes the concept of being trapped in a metal tube at 35,000 feet quite enjoyable! There are two people who come to mind; one is Kit Rupp out of Detroit, MI. She was so fantastic and excited when I was traveling to speak at a convention in MI. (I realize that the thought of flying to Michigan in the dead of winter is a crazy concept, but until I find a way to have 10,000 people come to my house to hear me speak; I have to go to them)
The more recent example happened the other weekend. Shelly and I were heading back from Colorado and were frantically trying to catch our flight. My book signing line at the convention I was keynoting was longer than usual and I wanted to make sure I had an opportunity to help everyone I could. We finally arrived at the airport and checked in for our 3:05 flight AT 2:29!! Put on the running shoes, blast through security, and run 96 football fields to the gate.
We were greeted at the end of the jet way by a wonderful woman named Barb. She was singing and laughing. We were seated in the front row and witnessed her pleasant demeanor with every boarding guest. After everyone was seated I made a point to compliment her on her attitude. "I have been doing this for years and I have found that my work is so much more pleasant if I bring a great attitude."
Needless to say, I will go out of my way to fly Frontier airlines. I would challenge you to bring the "Barb Factor" to everything you do today. Brighten someone's day, compliment others, and provide exceptional service.
Food for thought...
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For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
The more recent example happened the other weekend. Shelly and I were heading back from Colorado and were frantically trying to catch our flight. My book signing line at the convention I was keynoting was longer than usual and I wanted to make sure I had an opportunity to help everyone I could. We finally arrived at the airport and checked in for our 3:05 flight AT 2:29!! Put on the running shoes, blast through security, and run 96 football fields to the gate.
We were greeted at the end of the jet way by a wonderful woman named Barb. She was singing and laughing. We were seated in the front row and witnessed her pleasant demeanor with every boarding guest. After everyone was seated I made a point to compliment her on her attitude. "I have been doing this for years and I have found that my work is so much more pleasant if I bring a great attitude."
Needless to say, I will go out of my way to fly Frontier airlines. I would challenge you to bring the "Barb Factor" to everything you do today. Brighten someone's day, compliment others, and provide exceptional service.
Food for thought...
Visit www.theshef.com
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Take a Minute...
Memorial Day is a time of celebration, relaxation, and the kickoff of Summer! While many people are enjoying BBQ, refreshments, and games; there are hundreds of thousands who are currently fighting on the front lines to keep our rights, our country, and our safety in place. Regardless of political rhetoric, who happens to sit in a particular office, or what your political leanings are; now is the time to thank the brave men and women who will step in front of a bullet for you or I.
Would you march with 100 lbs of gear over a frozen mountain, a broiling desert, or a stormy sea just to protect someone whom you have not met? Regardless of your position or feelings on the military or the wars going on right now, there is a hero fighting for your right to disagree or agree about anything and maintain the right to say what you wish about it.
Take a moment this weekend to not only thank the veterans who have fought or are currently fighting for our freedoms, but also think of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in defending us.
If you are reading this post, thank a teacher. IF YOU ARE READING THIS POST IN ENGLISH, THANK A SOLDIER!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Would you march with 100 lbs of gear over a frozen mountain, a broiling desert, or a stormy sea just to protect someone whom you have not met? Regardless of your position or feelings on the military or the wars going on right now, there is a hero fighting for your right to disagree or agree about anything and maintain the right to say what you wish about it.
Take a moment this weekend to not only thank the veterans who have fought or are currently fighting for our freedoms, but also think of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in defending us.
If you are reading this post, thank a teacher. IF YOU ARE READING THIS POST IN ENGLISH, THANK A SOLDIER!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Can I get an "Amen!"
"Amen!" screams the audience in a church, stadium, or other venue. It is a simple word that just means to approve of what was just said. While it is mainly used in a spiritual sense, many people unknowingly offer their "Amen" to dis-empowering things and negativity. Here's the scenario:
"Paul" is talking to a co-worker. "Wow, times are tough out there."
"Amen" says "Betty"
"I wonder when all this madness will ever stop." Paul continues. "There is no growth, money, there is so much negativity. This is crazy!"
"Amen" is the reply.
Think about the negative thoughts that "Betty" just planted in her head. They will grow. You reap what you sow. Unfortunately, most people sow crummy thoughts which turn into crummy actions which turn into crummy reality. Then the water cooler talk begins again.
The overwhelming need that many of my clients want me to share with their group is the power of changing the negative into a positive. You can't ignore reality, but you can make a decision to acknowledge it and do something about it. Would you notice a few weeds sprouting up in your garden and say, "Damn, these weeds are going to overtake this garden. I wonder when the garden stimulus program will be passed?" Heck no! You bend down and pull the little suckers out!
Here are a couple of things to chew on:
1. When someone starts in on how negative something is (it is usually the economy these days, even though studies have shown that 90% of America has the same paycheck as 18 months ago), respond with "I understand, now let me tell you what I'm doing to improve my reality.
2. Be prepared for them to either leave or resent you as they only wanted an ear for their pity party. If you live in your pity party, you are pitiful.
3. Sharpen your skills. Don't wait for your company, church, or the government to give you some kind of a program. Join a Toastmasters group to sharpen your communication, take a college class, learn a new hobby. Who knows, you may find a very rewarding new passion! Don't wait for a hand out. I heard about the government offering a free report about teaching Americans to be better money managers. Isn't that a little ironic?!
Now that is an "Amen!"
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For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Friday, May 8, 2009
I'm Sorry, Things Are Looking Up
I love speaking. I love the experiences (most days), the audience reaction, the results, and the relationships that are created as a result of meeting all different kinds of people from all around the world. One of the most requested program content items lately has been pure motivation. It seems as though many people think that the light at the end of the tunnel is a train. WRONG!
This past week included seminars attended by nearly 1,000 people from all walks of life. The OVERWHELMING feedback comment I have been hearing after my programs can be summarized as follows: "I have been upbeat and optimistic. Thank you for reminding me that it is OK to be that way. So many people are down and I almost feel bad that I'm so happy." My challenge to you is that you be the thermostat in your environment and not the thermometer. By that I mean, SET the attitude, don't RESPOND to it!
Kind of interesting, isn't it? When you think about it, where does the choice of optimism start? I can't motivate someone, no one can. It is a choice. I believe that the genesis of attitude starts with the questions you ask yourself on a regular basis. We all have these voices inside of our heads telling us positive and negative things. (Hopefully they are the same voice!).
Here are a few "Success Recipe" questions that I have found lay a great foundation for a great attitude:
1. What am I thankful for today?
2. Who do I love?
3. What is one thing that I can do to make someone smile by 9 am?
4. What are my top 3 talents that I'm committed to sharpening today?
5. If my kids were to shadow me today, what would I teach them by my behavior?
Give it a try for a week or so. If it doesn't work, I'll give you your old life back, for free!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
This past week included seminars attended by nearly 1,000 people from all walks of life. The OVERWHELMING feedback comment I have been hearing after my programs can be summarized as follows: "I have been upbeat and optimistic. Thank you for reminding me that it is OK to be that way. So many people are down and I almost feel bad that I'm so happy." My challenge to you is that you be the thermostat in your environment and not the thermometer. By that I mean, SET the attitude, don't RESPOND to it!
Kind of interesting, isn't it? When you think about it, where does the choice of optimism start? I can't motivate someone, no one can. It is a choice. I believe that the genesis of attitude starts with the questions you ask yourself on a regular basis. We all have these voices inside of our heads telling us positive and negative things. (Hopefully they are the same voice!).
Here are a few "Success Recipe" questions that I have found lay a great foundation for a great attitude:
1. What am I thankful for today?
2. Who do I love?
3. What is one thing that I can do to make someone smile by 9 am?
4. What are my top 3 talents that I'm committed to sharpening today?
5. If my kids were to shadow me today, what would I teach them by my behavior?
Give it a try for a week or so. If it doesn't work, I'll give you your old life back, for free!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Would You Run From Someone Who is Infected?
I swear, if I hear the term "swine flu" or whatever the politically correct term for this darn thing one more time I'm going to go crazy! Never mind that more people will die on the nation's highways in the time it takes you to read this blog than will die from swine flu.
I spoke at a conference yesterday. One of the speakers couldn't attend because he had been exposed to the virus and was being quarantined. I asked the audience, "How many of you would run from this room if you KNEW that someone in here had swine flu?" All of the hands went up.
"How many of you would run from this room if there were people with equally as dangerous attitudes and beliefs?" A few people raised their hands, but most people looked confused. When there is some kind of illness that we have a very slight chance of catching, people take crazy precautions to avoid exposure. However, study after study has PROVEN that over time, people's attitudes will reflect those who they associate with. If people have a negative or "can't do" attitude, most of us have been conditioned to try and appease instead of convince them otherwise. It is easier to lower your expectations than to lift others up to your level. Guess what? You can make new friends, coaches, and mentors. Motivation takes work.
My challenge to you is that you get to know people who push themselves and those around them (in a good way). My coach, Kevin Bracy, told me something that will stick with me forever. He after a particularly grueling coaching session, he explained, "Shef, your friends love you for who you are. Your mentors love you too much to leave you where you're at."
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For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
I spoke at a conference yesterday. One of the speakers couldn't attend because he had been exposed to the virus and was being quarantined. I asked the audience, "How many of you would run from this room if you KNEW that someone in here had swine flu?" All of the hands went up.
"How many of you would run from this room if there were people with equally as dangerous attitudes and beliefs?" A few people raised their hands, but most people looked confused. When there is some kind of illness that we have a very slight chance of catching, people take crazy precautions to avoid exposure. However, study after study has PROVEN that over time, people's attitudes will reflect those who they associate with. If people have a negative or "can't do" attitude, most of us have been conditioned to try and appease instead of convince them otherwise. It is easier to lower your expectations than to lift others up to your level. Guess what? You can make new friends, coaches, and mentors. Motivation takes work.
My challenge to you is that you get to know people who push themselves and those around them (in a good way). My coach, Kevin Bracy, told me something that will stick with me forever. He after a particularly grueling coaching session, he explained, "Shef, your friends love you for who you are. Your mentors love you too much to leave you where you're at."
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Tuesday, April 28, 2009
What is Your Weakest Link?
We have all heard the saying about the "weakest link" There was even some crazy reality show with that title. The greatest illustration of how powerful the weakest link was told to me by an exceptionally successful entrepreneur, Ben Mangan.
Ben pulled out a few links of really heavy duty chain. He then went to another bag and pulled out a slightly lighter grade of chain. He each time he did this, he asked the audience if they would feel comfortable being supported by that chain if it were hooked to an elevator that they were suspended in 50 feet above the ground. He kept repeating the process until he pulled out a few links of a very thin chain (about the strength that you would find on a little child's home swing set).
"Now, how comfortable would you be if this were attached to the elevator car?" No hands went up.
"How about if we move it to the top of the shaft?" Still no hands.
"The rest of the chain is very heavy duty. All of you said you were completely comfortable with those chains holding you above the ground. What if we put the little chain in the middle of the linkage. That should balance everything out." Still no hands.
His illustration was crystal clear. Even though you have tremendous strength in most of the chain, you are only as strong as your weakest link. How does this translate into business? You may have an exceptional sales staff, service staff, and management team; but if your reception area is staffed by grumpy people, all of that strength is lost.
If you focus all of your time on training, but none on prospecting, that is your weakest link. My challenge to you is that you identify your "weakest link" in business and take steps right now to fix or remove it. Your results will be great!
Something to think about!
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Ben pulled out a few links of really heavy duty chain. He then went to another bag and pulled out a slightly lighter grade of chain. He each time he did this, he asked the audience if they would feel comfortable being supported by that chain if it were hooked to an elevator that they were suspended in 50 feet above the ground. He kept repeating the process until he pulled out a few links of a very thin chain (about the strength that you would find on a little child's home swing set).
"Now, how comfortable would you be if this were attached to the elevator car?" No hands went up.
"How about if we move it to the top of the shaft?" Still no hands.
"The rest of the chain is very heavy duty. All of you said you were completely comfortable with those chains holding you above the ground. What if we put the little chain in the middle of the linkage. That should balance everything out." Still no hands.
His illustration was crystal clear. Even though you have tremendous strength in most of the chain, you are only as strong as your weakest link. How does this translate into business? You may have an exceptional sales staff, service staff, and management team; but if your reception area is staffed by grumpy people, all of that strength is lost.
If you focus all of your time on training, but none on prospecting, that is your weakest link. My challenge to you is that you identify your "weakest link" in business and take steps right now to fix or remove it. Your results will be great!
Something to think about!
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or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Are You Looking Up...or Looking Down?
I had the pleasure of speaking to several great groups recently. One of the things that a few audience members said was, "It's like someone told the public that it is OK to spend their money. Since then, our business has been booming!" There is no doubt that there are many sectors that are struggling right now. However, there are quite a few that are booming.
In my live programs I talk about the Reticular Activating System in the brain. It is a function that allows you to discern what to focus on and what to ignore. A good example of this is when you purchase a new car. You may or may not have noticed the car before, but after you buy it you see them everywhere! Perhaps you purchase a new outfit for an event that you are attending. When you get there "everyone" has it. (Ladies, you can relate to this:))
Are you focusing on what can be, or what can't. Do you fill your mind with negative news and gossip, or do you fill it with positive and motivating books, audios, and calls?
Pay direct attention to what IS going great, what opportunities CAN be there, and how you can grab a hold of it. It will take some effort, but everything worthwhile usually does...
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or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
In my live programs I talk about the Reticular Activating System in the brain. It is a function that allows you to discern what to focus on and what to ignore. A good example of this is when you purchase a new car. You may or may not have noticed the car before, but after you buy it you see them everywhere! Perhaps you purchase a new outfit for an event that you are attending. When you get there "everyone" has it. (Ladies, you can relate to this:))
Are you focusing on what can be, or what can't. Do you fill your mind with negative news and gossip, or do you fill it with positive and motivating books, audios, and calls?
Pay direct attention to what IS going great, what opportunities CAN be there, and how you can grab a hold of it. It will take some effort, but everything worthwhile usually does...
Visit www.theshef.com for more great info!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Are You Paying Attention to the Little Things?
We are all familiar with the story of the Titanic. Yes, it did hit an iceberg. Yes, quite a few people perished. However, what you may not realize is that what caused the Titanic to sink so quickly was not the large iceberg it hit; rather it was the shortcuts taken during the assembly. The rivets were of substandard quality and broke under pressure. The builder was trying to create three of the world's largest ships and was unable to get the quality that they normally require for such things. They also split their focus and were moving too quickly.
I have a great friend who is a builder. Colin Woods has created some of the nicest neighborhoods and dream homes in our area. He will tell customers the following, "You can have speed, price, and quality...pick two." You can't have the greatest quality if your job is rushed.
What are the rivets in your plan? What are the little things that you don't think make a big deal, but can. I follow the following with my business and life:
1. My assistant (Tamara) needs to not only be efficient, task worthy, and driven. She must also convey the right impression to clients and media when she is on the phone. I can't tell you how great it makes me feel when clients tell me that my assistant was so pleasant to deal with. Who is the director of first impressions for your business? They don't just answer the phone and greet people. They are the first impression of your business to anyone who meets with you.
2. I must have people in my life that hold me accountable to my outcomes. Notice that I did not say "goals". You always get an outcome. Some good, some unexpected. You don't always reach the "goal". Shelly keeps me on track with my fitness goals. Running is a priority for us, and sometimes it can be hard to keep that regimen going when we get busy or I'm on the road. Sunday was a rainy and cold day. It would have been perfect to just snuggle up on the sofa and watch movies. She had already ran 7 miles the day before but offered to ride her bike while I did my 4 miles. We had a blast! We were soaked and chilled when we came back and Branson met us at the door with dry towels; but we did it! Find people who will keep you accountable.
3. Take time to be thankful. It is real easy, especially when we are busy or stressed to forget about the gift that we all have called the present. Some of the things that I remind my self of every day to set the foundation for greatness include: health, family, friends, talents, abilities, etc. I can go on...
Download my "Shef's success diet" at www.theshef.com
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I have a great friend who is a builder. Colin Woods has created some of the nicest neighborhoods and dream homes in our area. He will tell customers the following, "You can have speed, price, and quality...pick two." You can't have the greatest quality if your job is rushed.
What are the rivets in your plan? What are the little things that you don't think make a big deal, but can. I follow the following with my business and life:
1. My assistant (Tamara) needs to not only be efficient, task worthy, and driven. She must also convey the right impression to clients and media when she is on the phone. I can't tell you how great it makes me feel when clients tell me that my assistant was so pleasant to deal with. Who is the director of first impressions for your business? They don't just answer the phone and greet people. They are the first impression of your business to anyone who meets with you.
2. I must have people in my life that hold me accountable to my outcomes. Notice that I did not say "goals". You always get an outcome. Some good, some unexpected. You don't always reach the "goal". Shelly keeps me on track with my fitness goals. Running is a priority for us, and sometimes it can be hard to keep that regimen going when we get busy or I'm on the road. Sunday was a rainy and cold day. It would have been perfect to just snuggle up on the sofa and watch movies. She had already ran 7 miles the day before but offered to ride her bike while I did my 4 miles. We had a blast! We were soaked and chilled when we came back and Branson met us at the door with dry towels; but we did it! Find people who will keep you accountable.
3. Take time to be thankful. It is real easy, especially when we are busy or stressed to forget about the gift that we all have called the present. Some of the things that I remind my self of every day to set the foundation for greatness include: health, family, friends, talents, abilities, etc. I can go on...
Download my "Shef's success diet" at www.theshef.com
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Are You Trying New Things?
I had a blast last night with my 11 year old, Alex and two of his buddies. At dinner, one of the kids was eating a jalapeno. Not a big deal, until he challenged the other two to do it as well. They did. Turned a bit red, and laughed when they were done.
That got me thinking...kids are willing to try unknown things (some good and some bad), but that is how they learn and grow. Many of us as adults tend to shy away from what it is that we don't know and stay in our comfort zone. Here are a few things that just popped to mind when I think of what adults tend to fear:
-beginning an exercise program (fear of looking stupid)
-beginning a new career
-starting a business
-joining a civic group (optimist, jaycees, etc.)
-attending a networking event
-participating at a rally for a cause that they believe in
-travel to a place unknown
These are just a few things. My challenge to you is that you take some kind of ACTION today to knock down one or more of those fears or any other fear.
I need to hit the road right now to continue the One Step From Striking Gold book tour. IL this morning, Des Moines tonight, hope to see you at an event soon!!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
That got me thinking...kids are willing to try unknown things (some good and some bad), but that is how they learn and grow. Many of us as adults tend to shy away from what it is that we don't know and stay in our comfort zone. Here are a few things that just popped to mind when I think of what adults tend to fear:
-beginning an exercise program (fear of looking stupid)
-beginning a new career
-starting a business
-joining a civic group (optimist, jaycees, etc.)
-attending a networking event
-participating at a rally for a cause that they believe in
-travel to a place unknown
These are just a few things. My challenge to you is that you take some kind of ACTION today to knock down one or more of those fears or any other fear.
I need to hit the road right now to continue the One Step From Striking Gold book tour. IL this morning, Des Moines tonight, hope to see you at an event soon!!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Are You Saving Time or Investing Time?

The power of the words that we choose to live with is amazing. When you visit with someone who "has to" do something, it is very different than someone who "gets to" do something. If you are "spending time" it is very different than "investing time".
I had the pleasure of speaking to about 700 people from John Deere the other day. The Employee Networking Group that brought me in was very clear that the greatest asset they had were the people in the company. They felt it was important to let them know by putting on a fantastic set of programs for the day. Some people may deem putting on an event as "spending" money; while amazing companies and organizations know that "investing" in employees will return more than they could possibly imagine.
One of the things that I typically cover in my live events is the power of taking action and being flexible. We are in a different kind of market and environment than we were even 1 year ago! (I was visiting with one of my coaching clients the other day about that very subject! Many of my marketing programs have changed dramatically in the last 8 months to reflect the changes necessary to capture market)
Here is some food for thought:
1. Are you comfortable? If you are, change something. Growth doesn't happen when you are comfortable. Anthony Robbins says "If you aren't growing, you are dying".
2. Make a plan to take action on at least one item per day that will move you toward your goals. It may not seem like much, but the snowball effect of momentum will amaze you.
3. Find a mentor. They will hold you accountable to your outcomes. You may not always like them, but you will love them for helping you accomplish what it is you set out to do.
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Are You "Locked In?"
High School is a great time. You know exactly what it is that you want to do for the rest of your life. In addition to that, you know EVERYTHING! As we mature, we realize how much is that we don't know. (I was amazed at how smart my parents became within 3 weeks of Alex being born!)
I was going to be a rock star in high school. I was even voted, you guessed it, "Most Likely to Become a Rock Star". We enjoyed recording and touring, but it became very old very quickly. Who would have thought that long hair and tight pants wouldn't take you great places in the business world?!
I decided to change my path in my early 20s and pursued other things. This got me thinking: how many people are in the mindset of "I decided that I wanted to do xyz, and I don't really like it. I just have 26 years, 3 months, 2 weeks and 4 days left until retirement." In today's uncertain times, people are having to discover new career pathways if their jobs are eliminated.
My recommendation is that you remain flexible. Acknowledge that times change, and continue to sharpen your skill set. I am reading a great book by John Maxwell, Put Your Dream to the Test. One of the quotes reads, "The more you are concerned with things you can't control; the less you will do to improve what you can control."
Chew on that one...
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Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Do You "Get It?"
I really enjoy traveling. In my industry I must travel (until I can find a way to have 10,000 people come to my home to hear me speak:)) This often means many nights in hotels, miles on planes, and dealing with people in the hospitality industry. I experience the full spectrum of customer service. The more I travel, the more that I see a trend: The companies that give great customer service are the ones that thrive. It is also essential that everyone in your organization shares the vision of great service. Here is an example:
Shelly and I were heading to Austin, TX this past weekend. We flew on a major airline and were not greeted when boarding, we were only directed by the flight attendants when need be during the flight. It was as if we were "interrupting" their work day. The pilot, on the other hand "Gets it" He thanked everyone for choosing their airline, mentioned small tidbits about areas that we were flying over, and even shared the fact that his son attended a university that was 30,000 feet beneath us.
Not consistent vision for customer service. If the flight attendants had the same attitude as the pilot, the airline may have more raving fans instead of dancing in and out of bankruptcy court. I do have to mention that MOST of the flight attendants that I encounter are very pleasant and upbeat. This was just an exception.
Our hotel was a different story. From the second that we pulled into the Omni, everyone from that moment on treated us like family. No questions, no problems, just a solid commitment to customer service. They "Get it"
This does not happen by accident. Make a point in your business to have regular meetings either in person or on the phone with everyone to communicate the direction and vision for your business. People feel like a part of something larger and more meaningful when this happens.
Just some food for thought...
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For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Shelly and I were heading to Austin, TX this past weekend. We flew on a major airline and were not greeted when boarding, we were only directed by the flight attendants when need be during the flight. It was as if we were "interrupting" their work day. The pilot, on the other hand "Gets it" He thanked everyone for choosing their airline, mentioned small tidbits about areas that we were flying over, and even shared the fact that his son attended a university that was 30,000 feet beneath us.
Not consistent vision for customer service. If the flight attendants had the same attitude as the pilot, the airline may have more raving fans instead of dancing in and out of bankruptcy court. I do have to mention that MOST of the flight attendants that I encounter are very pleasant and upbeat. This was just an exception.
Our hotel was a different story. From the second that we pulled into the Omni, everyone from that moment on treated us like family. No questions, no problems, just a solid commitment to customer service. They "Get it"
This does not happen by accident. Make a point in your business to have regular meetings either in person or on the phone with everyone to communicate the direction and vision for your business. People feel like a part of something larger and more meaningful when this happens.
Just some food for thought...
Visit www.theshef.com
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Are You a Ka-Billionaire?
I had the pleasure of visiting with the President of four large carpet stores in the Midwest . Shawn Langan is one of the most customer service oriented people I have ever seen. We had discussed several topics, not the least of which was the need for continuous marketing; ESPECIALLY during a slow economic time.
We had discussed several key elements to small business success that are essential to doing well in business, therefore making you a ka-billionaire. (OK, I have to give Shawn full credit for that word)
1. Join every networking group and chamber of commerce you can. While there is usually an investment to do so; you will have the opportunity to get to know people in your area and network with them. Shake hands, hand out business cards, and do whatever it takes to make a lasting impression.
2. Amaze the customer with outstanding service. My friend, Roger Crawford, talks about the lagniappe, that is the "extra" that someone puts into what they do. Whether it is called a baker's dozen, a complimentary loaner car while yours is being repaired, or giving someone a small gift just to brighten their day; it all makes a difference! Nurture that relationship!!
3. Share your vision with your staff AND the public! There is nothing that moves something forward more quickly than a concrete vision. If you lack vision, you are held in a holding pattern. If you have a strong vision and are able to communicate it effectively, heaven and earth will move for you to achieve it!
We can all take lessons from Shawn's "Ka-billionaire" philosophy. Even if you are not in business, use these principals at your workplace to become indispensable!
Think on it
For more great information, visit www.theshef.com.
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
We had discussed several key elements to small business success that are essential to doing well in business, therefore making you a ka-billionaire. (OK, I have to give Shawn full credit for that word)
1. Join every networking group and chamber of commerce you can. While there is usually an investment to do so; you will have the opportunity to get to know people in your area and network with them. Shake hands, hand out business cards, and do whatever it takes to make a lasting impression.
2. Amaze the customer with outstanding service. My friend, Roger Crawford, talks about the lagniappe, that is the "extra" that someone puts into what they do. Whether it is called a baker's dozen, a complimentary loaner car while yours is being repaired, or giving someone a small gift just to brighten their day; it all makes a difference! Nurture that relationship!!
3. Share your vision with your staff AND the public! There is nothing that moves something forward more quickly than a concrete vision. If you lack vision, you are held in a holding pattern. If you have a strong vision and are able to communicate it effectively, heaven and earth will move for you to achieve it!
We can all take lessons from Shawn's "Ka-billionaire" philosophy. Even if you are not in business, use these principals at your workplace to become indispensable!
Think on it
For more great information, visit www.theshef.com.
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
How About Those Scooby Ears?
I loved the cartoon Scooby Doo. You never knew what might pop up, what crazy man or woman may feel the urge to don a mask and scare people, or wonder how the heck the Scooby gang put gas in that crazy van of theirs (they didn't work!?) One thing was for sure, though; you knew at some point in the program, Scooby would hear something and perk up his ears. Many times this tip or clue would help solve whatever mystery needed to be unraveled.
Are you using Scooby ears in your world? What are you putting into your Scooby ears? Do you fill them with positive, motivating, or empowering things? Or are you like most people and listen to television, radio, news, and gossip? If you have seen my live programs you know my stance on watching to and listening to the news. Here is an amazing stat: 90% of Americans are UNAFFECTED by the recession! Would you believe that 90% of Americans are UNAFFECTED by the recession? This is the part where I lose most of you, "Well that can't be...CNN said..." I admire what Zig Ziglar said, "The media has accurately reported 32 of the last 3 recessions!"
Here is my challenge to you: tune into the greatness of things. Keep your ears perked for more business, more opportunities to help, more ways to network. I would recommend that you perk up the Scooby ears and see how your outlook changes!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
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Are you using Scooby ears in your world? What are you putting into your Scooby ears? Do you fill them with positive, motivating, or empowering things? Or are you like most people and listen to television, radio, news, and gossip? If you have seen my live programs you know my stance on watching to and listening to the news. Here is an amazing stat: 90% of Americans are UNAFFECTED by the recession! Would you believe that 90% of Americans are UNAFFECTED by the recession? This is the part where I lose most of you, "Well that can't be...CNN said..." I admire what Zig Ziglar said, "The media has accurately reported 32 of the last 3 recessions!"
Here is my challenge to you: tune into the greatness of things. Keep your ears perked for more business, more opportunities to help, more ways to network. I would recommend that you perk up the Scooby ears and see how your outlook changes!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
What Can 30 Minutes Do For You?
I love hearing people say, "I don't have any time!" If you ask 100 people what they would like if they had only one wish, (other than 50 more wishes...) it would be to have a bit more time in the day. I realize that many of us don't even have the term "bored" in our lexicon! I did a bit of thinking, and realized that in 30 minutes per day you can:
-Exercise...If you haven't in a while, put on the gym shoes and walk around the block!
-Learn a new language
-Take some time to "recharge" yourself by reading, relaxing, or meditating
-Invest it with your kids, making them feel totally loved
-Invest it with your significant other, showing them how much you love them
-Come up with an idea that could change the direction of your life
-Brighten someone's day unexpectedly with a compliment, card, or a smile
-Sharpen your ability at something from "good" to "great"
On that subject, I really have to tell you how much I admire the dedication of high school athletes. Branson is an amazing 15 year old baseball, wrestler, football player. During spring break when most 15 year olds want to hang out with the back of their eye lids; he is training for the upcoming baseball season. His (and everyone on his team) dedication really shined when he was wrestling. He'd be up and out at 6am, work out, full day of school, then practice after that. What dedication! The result of this was awesome. He is one sharp wrestler. (I'm not just saying that because he could have me on the ground screaming "uncle" in 5 seconds). Check out some of the moves captured at sectionals. Watch Video
That extra 30 minutes can mean all the difference in the world. Something to ponder...
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
-Exercise...If you haven't in a while, put on the gym shoes and walk around the block!
-Learn a new language
-Take some time to "recharge" yourself by reading, relaxing, or meditating
-Invest it with your kids, making them feel totally loved
-Invest it with your significant other, showing them how much you love them
-Come up with an idea that could change the direction of your life
-Brighten someone's day unexpectedly with a compliment, card, or a smile
-Sharpen your ability at something from "good" to "great"
On that subject, I really have to tell you how much I admire the dedication of high school athletes. Branson is an amazing 15 year old baseball, wrestler, football player. During spring break when most 15 year olds want to hang out with the back of their eye lids; he is training for the upcoming baseball season. His (and everyone on his team) dedication really shined when he was wrestling. He'd be up and out at 6am, work out, full day of school, then practice after that. What dedication! The result of this was awesome. He is one sharp wrestler. (I'm not just saying that because he could have me on the ground screaming "uncle" in 5 seconds). Check out some of the moves captured at sectionals. Watch Video
That extra 30 minutes can mean all the difference in the world. Something to ponder...
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Are You Selling the Sizzle
It absolutely amazes me at how many business owners take the "Field of Dreams" approach to business. They figure, "If we build it; they will come." How stupid. When you have a product or service, you need to let the world know why they need it! Think about the pet rock. Come on, who would have known that people could live without a rock. The reason why the inventor became a millionaire is because he sold the "sizzle" of owning a rock.
Are you focusing on letting people know the features or details about your product or service, or are you selling them on the benefits? Do colleges tell people about how great the tests are and the textbooks are? NO! They tout the experiences and the benefits of the educational experience; both inside and outside of the classroom.
In my "From a Shoestring to a Pot of Gold" small business seminar, I bring someone up and put a hat on their head with a big "SO WHAT" sign attached to it. We then have several audience members come up and tell that person about their business. (10 second commercial). The minute they start going into too much detail, I remind them of the big "SO WHAT" sign.
More food for thought...
Follow me on Twitter at www.twitter.com/theshef
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Are you focusing on letting people know the features or details about your product or service, or are you selling them on the benefits? Do colleges tell people about how great the tests are and the textbooks are? NO! They tout the experiences and the benefits of the educational experience; both inside and outside of the classroom.
In my "From a Shoestring to a Pot of Gold" small business seminar, I bring someone up and put a hat on their head with a big "SO WHAT" sign attached to it. We then have several audience members come up and tell that person about their business. (10 second commercial). The minute they start going into too much detail, I remind them of the big "SO WHAT" sign.
More food for thought...
Follow me on Twitter at www.twitter.com/theshef
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Can It Really Wait?

Last week we returned from the grocery store, only to discover that the milk we had just purchased had a small leak in it. It didn't seem like much. We thought that only a small amount of milk had leaked into the back of the car. Not a big deal. Until it actually warmed up this week. You see, when the milk spilled, it was 15 degrees outside. Frozen milk does not smell. However, when the temperature climbed this week it produced quite and aroma!
I shampooed and cleaned everything out yesterday, and it now smells like citrus instead of vomit; but it got me thinking.... What are some things in my life that may seem small and "not a big deal" that will cause problems later? Here are a few things:
1. Run drainage hose on the sump pump far away from the house before the spring rains come.
2. Finish creating and set up a market plan for my next product.
3. Provide Tamara (my assistant) with EVERYTHING she needs to promote, market, and follow up with speaking clients.
4. Do my physical therapy exercises to speed the recovery of my running and shoulder injury.
These are just a few.
I really like the song, "Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow" by Fleetwood Mack. Remember that what you are doing today is laying the foundation for tomorrow. Tony and I had an opportunity to catch up with Mick Fleetwood prior to an event in Las Vegas.
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Thursday, March 5, 2009
Can I Pay You $50 to Workout for Me?
What a crazy week it has been. We are training to run a 1/2 marathon, and the training started last weekend. (In theory) I can't speak for Shelly, but I have been catching a case of "busy" lately. I'm busy with conference calls, meetings, speaking engagements, dealings with publishers, etc. All of the sudden, I don't have time for a workout! My assistant, Tamara, keeps telling me I should delegate more to her. Immediately I thought of my workout. Wouldn't it be great if you could do that?
Yesterday I had the pleasure of seeing one of my closest friends and a great inspiration, Dr. John Byrne, speak. He has ran Leadville. For those of you who don't know what Leadville is, it is a 100 mile run that must be completed in 30 hours beginning and ending in Leadville, CO. The training and dedication that he put into it is nothing short of awesome. I also met 3 new friends who are running the thing this year. John DeDoncker, Tom Waterman, and Doug Himmelman. These guys have nothing to do but train. Actually, I'm just kidding. John is the president of a bank, Tom is an attorney, and Doug is an accountant. These guys do "short" runs of 25-30 miles to warm up. Quite frankly, I wonder where they store their battery packs, because I am only training to do 13.1!
Needless to say, you can sell yourself on anything. Either that you are too busy to take control of your physical destiny or that you are the only person who can do anything about your physical destiny. Think about it. I'm throwing on the running gear now....
Visit www.theshef.com for great stuff.
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Yesterday I had the pleasure of seeing one of my closest friends and a great inspiration, Dr. John Byrne, speak. He has ran Leadville. For those of you who don't know what Leadville is, it is a 100 mile run that must be completed in 30 hours beginning and ending in Leadville, CO. The training and dedication that he put into it is nothing short of awesome. I also met 3 new friends who are running the thing this year. John DeDoncker, Tom Waterman, and Doug Himmelman. These guys have nothing to do but train. Actually, I'm just kidding. John is the president of a bank, Tom is an attorney, and Doug is an accountant. These guys do "short" runs of 25-30 miles to warm up. Quite frankly, I wonder where they store their battery packs, because I am only training to do 13.1!
Needless to say, you can sell yourself on anything. Either that you are too busy to take control of your physical destiny or that you are the only person who can do anything about your physical destiny. Think about it. I'm throwing on the running gear now....
Visit www.theshef.com for great stuff.
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Are You Throwing Money Out the Window?
I was visiting with one of my coaching clients yesterday. She was telling me that she feels awkward asking for referrals after she completes a sale. Many people in sales think that if they just ask their customer to introduce them to friends or colleagues who may benefit from the product or service, it will blow their sale out of the water.
If you have worked your business right and view it as a series of relationships instead of transactions, that will never happen. I simply told this client to drive down the road, reach into her purse and throw some cash out of the window while saying "I didn't ask for a referral!"
Think about it; a client is "hottest" right after their have purchased from you. Why not use this to your advantage and let them help you grow your business!
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For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
If you have worked your business right and view it as a series of relationships instead of transactions, that will never happen. I simply told this client to drive down the road, reach into her purse and throw some cash out of the window while saying "I didn't ask for a referral!"
Think about it; a client is "hottest" right after their have purchased from you. Why not use this to your advantage and let them help you grow your business!
Visit www.theshef.com
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Time to Evict!
My son, Alex and I were enjoying a great game of football on PS2. (Actually he was kicking my butt all over the place, but any parent knows the challenges of playing a young person in a video game!) As we were playing, I heard a scratching in the ceiling. I walked around the side of the house to see that we had a family of squirrels that had decided to take up residence in my soffit! A piece of wood, a few screws, a pellet gun, and some paint; the problem was taken care of.
That left me thinking about something: How often are we letting other people rent space in our heads? Maybe it is someone who told us that we will never amount to anything, maybe it is someone that has wronged us in some way, maybe even some memory of an abuse or other thing that was totally out of our control. Why don't we kick those people out of our noggins! (Yes, I can say noggin as I just emerged from an attic wearing a headlamp and carrying a gun -cue the theme from Deliverance!)
What movie are you playing in your mind of a past event or maybe a future event? What disempowering thoughts are running around in your mind? Let's make this an opportunity to evict them. If you really feel like it, write that person a letter. Maybe you don't send it, just vent it. Life is meant to be a celebration, not a fear!
Oh, and always keep a headlamp handy!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
That left me thinking about something: How often are we letting other people rent space in our heads? Maybe it is someone who told us that we will never amount to anything, maybe it is someone that has wronged us in some way, maybe even some memory of an abuse or other thing that was totally out of our control. Why don't we kick those people out of our noggins! (Yes, I can say noggin as I just emerged from an attic wearing a headlamp and carrying a gun -cue the theme from Deliverance!)
What movie are you playing in your mind of a past event or maybe a future event? What disempowering thoughts are running around in your mind? Let's make this an opportunity to evict them. If you really feel like it, write that person a letter. Maybe you don't send it, just vent it. Life is meant to be a celebration, not a fear!
Oh, and always keep a headlamp handy!
For more information about booking The Shef for your next event, visit http://www.theshef.com
or call our offices at 1-800-863-2591.
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