Thursday, March 19, 2009

What Can 30 Minutes Do For You?

I love hearing people say, "I don't have any time!" If you ask 100 people what they would like if they had only one wish, (other than 50 more wishes...) it would be to have a bit more time in the day. I realize that many of us don't even have the term "bored" in our lexicon! I did a bit of thinking, and realized that in 30 minutes per day you can:
-Exercise...If you haven't in a while, put on the gym shoes and walk around the block!
-Learn a new language
-Take some time to "recharge" yourself by reading, relaxing, or meditating
-Invest it with your kids, making them feel totally loved
-Invest it with your significant other, showing them how much you love them
-Come up with an idea that could change the direction of your life
-Brighten someone's day unexpectedly with a compliment, card, or a smile
-Sharpen your ability at something from "good" to "great"

On that subject, I really have to tell you how much I admire the dedication of high school athletes. Branson is an amazing 15 year old baseball, wrestler, football player. During spring break when most 15 year olds want to hang out with the back of their eye lids; he is training for the upcoming baseball season. His (and everyone on his team) dedication really shined when he was wrestling. He'd be up and out at 6am, work out, full day of school, then practice after that. What dedication! The result of this was awesome. He is one sharp wrestler. (I'm not just saying that because he could have me on the ground screaming "uncle" in 5 seconds). Check out some of the moves captured at sectionals. Watch Video

That extra 30 minutes can mean all the difference in the world. Something to ponder...
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